
正规博彩十大网站尊重您的个人身份信息的隐私,而不是, under any circumstances, 向任何外部第三方出租或出售访问者提交的个人信息.

您向本网站提交的个人信息将仅用于要求的目的, 例如, 在我们网站的招生部分提交的信息将用于招生目的. 总, 非个人识别信息可以在内部使用,也可以在外部共享, 例如, to analyze web site visitor statistics.


Date this Master Privacy Statement went into effect: 02/04/2008
Date this Master Privacy Statement was last updated: 06/06/2018


In the course of fulfilling its mission of teaching, learning and scholarship, 大学采用各种记录保存系统,收集和使用与过去有关的各种信息, present and future customers, including faculty, staff and students. In addition to observing all applicable privacy and confidentiality laws, 大学尊重和保护个人隐私,并通过此主隐私声明和, where applicable, a series of Privacy Statement Addendums. 隐私声明附录是特定于所收集的信息和/或特定的学术或行政单位收集它. Privacy Statement Addendums, if applicable, appear at the point of data collection.

Privacy Statement Definitions

The University: The University of the Pacific and all its divisions, departments and officially sponsored organizations.

The General Public: Unrestricted readers of, University produced, 个人身份信息:个人身份信息包括以下任何一项:

  1. A full or partial name
  2. A home address or other physical address
  3. An e-mail address or other electronic address
  4. A telephone number or other communications device number
  5. A social security number or other identification number
  6. A date of birth
  7. Drivers license number
  8. Credit card or financial account number
  9. 允许与特定个人进行物理或在线联系的任何其他标识符.
  10. 与上述标识符相结合的有关个人的任何信息. In particular,
    a) for students, this includes all information not designated as Directory
    information under FERPA.
    b) for all, Protected 健康 Information (PHI). 1996年的《正规博彩十大网站排名》(HIPAA)的隐私规则条款将PHI定义为所有“个人可识别的健康信息”,由承保实体或其商业伙伴持有或传输, in any form of  media, whether electronic, 纸, 或口头." Does not include non-individual summary information used for statistical purposes. Does not include works of authorship, copyrighted information or electronic communications such as voicemail or email.

Record keeping system: A system designed to collect, organize and store personally identifiable information. Record keeping systems may vary from a simple document, 从电子表格转为数据库,主要是为了促进与大学使命有关的管理活动.

Information Provider: The individual that provides the information.


提供的信息:由个人直接向大学提供的个人身份信息. 这些信息可以是关于他们自己或其他个人的,比如父母或监护人.


Directory Information: Personally identifiable information that:

  1. For Students consists of elements defined as not confidential under FERPA.
  2. For employees, information defined as not confidential by HR.
  3. 对于每个人,信息提供者明确指定为非机密的信息.
    Directory information may be freely provided to The University.

Privacy Flag: Students may request that Directory information not be shared with anyone, by asking the Registrar to set the privacy Flag.

Privacy Statement Precepts

In all circumstances, the University will:

  1. 使用适当和普遍实践的安全措施和技术保护所有个人身份信息.
  2. Except for Directory Information, 根据其计算机和通信保密政策,将所有个人身份信息视为机密信息, 根据本主隐私声明和任何适用的隐私声明附录的条款,仅在需要知道的基础上分享信息.
  3. 没有所有者的明确许可,目录信息将不会与公众共享.
  4. Practice good stewardship of Directory Information, using it appropriately under applicable laws, this Master Privacy Statement and any applicable Privacy Statement Addendums.
  5. 如果需要这样做,遵守法律或法律程序,亲自披露
    identifiable information.
  6. 保留在其系统中使用个人信息的权利,以识别其信息技术政策:可接受使用政策中概述的任何不当使用其电子资源的来源.
  7. Change this Master Privacy Statement from time to time without prior notice or consent, but if changes are made, that fact will be prominently and widely communicated. 主隐私声明的变更历史记录将在太平洋公司主页的隐私声明链接上保存.
  8. Accept and act on all allegations of Privacy Statement violations addressed to privacy@31hi.com.


  • Share personally identifiable information, on a need to know only basis, 与授权的第三方(非太平洋地区实体)合作,这些第三方向大学提供服务,并在合同中同意第(1)点.).
  • 在HIPAA隐私规则允许的情况下,仅为治疗目的与授权第三方共享受保护的健康信息, 付款, or and health care operations.
  • 未经信息提供者的明确许可或根据HIPAA隐私规则的规定,不得为任何与大学使命无关的目的向第三方提供个人身份信息. This includes, 但不限于推销商品或提供商业服务.
  • 在正规博彩十大网站内部分享个人身份信息,以支持其教学使命,
    Addendum (if any) under which the information was collected remains in force.
  • Obtain personally identifiable information from third parties (collected information), solely as necessary to conduct the business of the University, 并且会将这些信息视为直接从当事人那里获得的.
  • 索取个人身份资料,以取得及/或核实授权,以使用大学或由大学赞助的服务或设施, especially by electronic means for electronic services.
  • Add a consent line to information input sources, like forms or screens, 声明经同意,他们的信息将根据大学的隐私声明和/或特定的隐私声明附录进行管理。. Failure to sign would halt the associated business process, 可能导致大学无法提供所需的服务或考虑.